Monday, August 18, 2008

Can We Really Live on a $75/week Grocery Budget?

"Budget Day" is coming. Starting tonight, Joe and I are going to work on our organization methods around the house in preparation for B Day. We are actually going to sit down, make a realistic budget, and stick with it.

Since I am in charge of all of the grocery shopping/menu planning/cooking, I will be in charge of creating the grocery budget. I'm shooting for an initial goal of $75/week. Do you think that sounds crazy? A few months ago, I probably would have! However, I've done a TON of research and learning about how to be a savvy grocery shopper, and I've been putting it into practice for a while now. Sadly, since we haven't been budgeting, I haven't really been keeping track of what I've actually been spending. I'll know soon enough :)

I know I can do this. I bet I'll even find that we can significantly lower this limit. My ultimate goal is to get it down to $50/week. Hey, think that's crazy? One of my money saving mentors, moneysavingmom is making it on $35/$40 with a husband and TWO kids!

I'll keep everyone updated with our progress, complete with purchase pictures and deal details!

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